SeekOne® DD Single Cell Full-length RNA
Sequence Transcriptome-seq (scFAST-seq)
Product Overview
SeekOne® Digital Droplet (SeekOne® DD) High
throughput Single Cell Full-length RNA Sequence
Transcriptome-seq (scFAST-seq) Kit, self-
developed by Beijing SeekGene BioSciences Co., Ltd.,
is a powerful commercial tool for high-throughput
whole transcriptome profiling. The scFAST-seq
method makes use of innovative techniques
including semi-random primers, efficient reverse
transcription, template swapping, and effective
rRNA removal to build full-length RNA libraries of
up to 12,000 cells.
Compared to conventional 3' scRNA-seq, scFAST-
seq has distinct advantages in detecting non-
polyadenylated transcripts, transcript coverage
length, and identification of more splice junctions.
With target region enrichment, scFAST-seq can
simultaneously detect somatic mutations and cell
states in individual tumour cells, providing valuable
information for precision medicine.
The kit is designed to be used in conjunction with
our SeekOne® Digital Droplet System (SeekOne® DD)
to complete the entire process from single-cell
nucleic acid labelling to transcriptome library
construction. When equipped with "SeekSoul Tools",
our single-cell data analysis software, we provide a
one-stop-shop single-cell transcriptome solution.

Core Technology
Single Cell Full-length RNA Sequence
Transcriptome-seq (scFAST-seq) allows full-length
transcriptome analysis of thousands of fresh or
fixed cells in a single experiment. In contrast to the
current single-cell transcriptome assays based on
oligo-dT reverse transcription, the method used in
scFAST-seq provides coverage of the whole
transcriptome. The sensitivity of the scFAST-seq
technique assays depends primarily on the
efficiency of reverse transcription, cDNA enrichment,
and ribosome depletion
Products Specifications
Currently applicable species: human and mouse.
Fraction of Reads Mapped to Middle Genebody is greater than 55%.
Fraction over 0.2 mean coverage depth of ACTB gene is higher than 70%.
Rapid generation of 150,000 water-in-oil droplets in 3 minutes.
Efficiently capturing 500-12,000 cells per channel.
Flexible running of 1~8 samples in parallel.
Cell size flexibility: cell diameter of 5~40 μm.
High cell capture rates of up to 65%.
Low doublet rates of under 0.3% per 1,000 cells.
SeekOne Digital Droplet System
SeekOneDigital Droplet System (SeekOneDD System), self-developed by Beijing SeekGene BioSciences Co., Ltd., achieves single-cell partitioning and capture by water-in-oil droplets generated in the microfluidic system. This provides a one-stop shop for single-cell solutions, from single-cell partitioning, trapping, labelling and library construction to data analysis. It can be applied to a variety of medical studies, including cancer, immunity, cell development, viral infection, drug discovery, and target screening.
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